A space to reflect and learn

With civil society For civil society

En La Sobremesa vas a encontrar un espacio para aprender en colectivo con la sociedad civil en América Latina.

We face many challenges - external and internal - with our work. In the most critical moments we are forced to react, rather than reflect or take a pause.

To be more resilient in the future, we need a space to honestly and creatively rethink ourselves.

We need a space to grow and transform.

What do we do?


accompany you

We accompany, and design and facilitate personalized, one-on-one change processes for civil society organizations in Latin America.

Read more about our accompaniments

We facilitate


We create trust-filled conversation spaces for organizations that are facing the same challenges, and together we co-create solutions by civil society for civil society.

Learn about and join our spaces

We curate


We create and select materials that will guide and inspire you in your work and your organization: podcasts, toolkits, videos, articles, guides and more.

Explore the resources we use

What are we reading and listening to?

What are we discussing?

  • 1

    How does learning happen within civil society?

  • 2

    When and how do we collaborate within civil society?

  • 3

    What does innovation mean within civil society? How do we innovate?