
Explore the tools - guides, videos, podcasts, articles, and more - that we use in our accompaniment support and other work.

Tools we’re using


Brené sobre "Armored versus Daring Leadership" (Parte 1 de 2)

Brené Brown, Dare to Lead

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"Decidiendo Juntos Transferencia de poder y recursos mediante el proceso participativo de otorgamiento de donativos"


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DIY Toolkit explicando "Theory of Change"

DIY Toolkit

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Website Gets you the information you need to do good

Candid, Foundation Center y Guidestar

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"Theory of Change in 10 Steps"

James Noble, NPC

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"Reinventando Organizaciones Wiki" basado en Frédéric Laloux

Editores voluntarios

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"Liberating Structures: Including and Unleashing Everyone" basado en el libro

Henri Lipmanowicz y Keith McCandless

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"Integrating Capacity and Strategy: A Handbook for Next Generation Grantmakers"

C.R. Hibbs, Stanford PACS

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Adam Kahane con Daniel Stillman sobre "Facilitating Breakthrough"

Daniel Stillman, The Conversation Factory

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What’s a Nonprofit Annual Plan?

Pinky Vincent, NonProfitPro

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Guide - Leadership

Top Advice for New Executive Directors from Their Peers

Open Society Foundation

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The Water of Systems Change

John Kania, Mark Kramer, Peter Senge

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Guide - Leadership

The Smarter Grantmaking Playbook: Support Nonprofit Resilience


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Guide - Leadership

Succession Planning for Nonprofits - Managing Leadership Transitions

National Council of Nonprofits

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Six Steps for Sustainability Planning

Rebecca Thomas

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Tool - Monitoring and evaluation

Project Ranking

La Sobremesa

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Tool - Organizational strategy

Keep, Fix, Try

La Sobremesa

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Tool - Sustainability

How to Create a Sustainability Plan

La Sobremesa

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Tool - Sustainability

Financial Sustainability Action Plan

La Sobremesa

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Tool - Sustainability

Donor Intelligence

La Sobremesa

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Tool - Sustainability

Competitor Analysis

La Sobremesa

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Tool - Sustainability

Annual Projections

La Sobremesa

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Tool - Annual Plan

6 Steps to Create Your Annual Plan

La Sobremesa

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